The Crimson Circle
The Crimson Circle Syndicate
is considered a sub-syndicate under the leadership and preview of The Syndicate of Ul'dah.
Directly reporting to Lord Lolorito Nanarito via his vassal Lord Ilsix Phaulois.
((All information within this card is meant to be an OOC tool for IC hooks and promotion of RP.
Nothing within is considered common IC knowledge unless stated clearly otherwise.
Please do not metagame.
This community is a group project dedicated to RP in and around those who frequent and or are connected to The Pearl Lane of Ul’dah. A community that plays by the same rp guidelines like in D&D
If you have questions or suggestions please reach out to Kahtema Duska))
The Crimson Circle Syndicate
At the height of its power, The Crimson Circle Syndicate stretched well beyond Ul’dah and city-states of Aldenard. Under the guidance of Lord Lolorito Nanarito, The Circle’s future looked prosperous and bright. The trade route opportunities to Othard almost ensured it. However, as the war for Doma’s freedom came to a close, the war within the Syndicate had just started. The Leader of The Circle was assassinated, The Code was forgotten, and the networks crumbled without it. Cycles later, Lord Lolorito appointed a new leader, his vassal Lord IIsix Phaulois.Under the ever-watchful guidance of Lord IIsix Phaulois, The Crimson Circle was given a resurrection. A liaison was summoned to venture back within the alleys and streets of Ul’dah and reconnect the old ways with the new. The Code was reestablished and redefined by those within The Lane. A city within a city. The Brass Blades paid off through taxes and the Saultsworn negotiated with. Money talks, and The Syndicate rules, what is good for The Syndicate is good for Ul’dah. Even some of the free paladins have agreed to an arrangement of sorts.Many have seen the changes within Ul’dah. A strange sort of ‘peace’ has finally settled and visitors welcomed. The Crimson Circle offers protection and prosperity while maintaining The Code without discrimination. The hospitality of The Lane to be respected and the offer of trade appreciated. The Lane will always be The Lane, and those within it will always be who and what they are. As the Sun rises and sets on Ul’dah, The Crimson Circle will once again cast its shadow over Aldenard and beyond.Those of Thanalan are encouraged to seek out their place within The Circle. Those beyond are welcome to negotiate and perhaps benefit from alliances and trade deals. Those of law enforcement that wish to make arrangements are also welcome.To those who wish to disrupt the great rivers of gil that flow to the oasis that is Ul’dah, or that of The Crimson Circle. You are advised against it.
(( OOC information can be found HERE ))
The Codex
(( Please keep in mind the purpose of the code is to foster more rp, make events and have fun.
For a more in-depth and description of the code rp HERE ))
The Code is a union of the Thieves, Pirates, and Dark Art’s Code. There is only one written copy.
All those of the Crimson Circle are to adhere to and enforce The Code while in The Lane.
The Code will be respected outside of The Lane by those within the Crimson Circle.
Should anyone be found to break the code their fate will be decided upon by vote of the Crimson Council.
One Vote, One Voice, One Seat
No one group, faction or company may have more than one member upon the Crimson Council.
((**This is for ooc fairness and ic flavor. Council members assist in planning and running community 'Crimson Events'** ))
Lane Business is Lane Business
No one may speak openly, draw attention to, or declare to any person or person’s of another’s nature, designs, business or who they are where an outsider may overhear it.
((** This is just flavor again to IC try to keep people 'chaotic civil' while in the lane and keep ic secrets secret**))
Keep it in The Lane
All business, side deals, hustles and shakedowns will remain in The Pearl or The Maze. All violence, duels, confrontations, wars, clashes and the like should be taken out the Gates of Thal and dealt with there.
((ooc this is to take all the fighting outside of the lane and to not interrupt other people's rp. IC this is so lane business isn't taken notice of))
We Deal with our Own
Have a problem with another faction, member of a faction? Members of The Circle, breaking the Code will be taken to their leadership for punishment. Know the Duel Code and Parley Code.
((This is ooc for flavor and more Rp. We do not wish to chain people’s characters from being themselves. This also allows ooc agreement on IC consequences for their IC actions))
Pay your Taxes
Taxes are to be collected and paid to the Crimson Council monthly. Taxes are non-negotiable.
_((Taxes are in ic device to foster rp and encourage people to join Crimson Events. _
If even one member of a faction shows up to an event, they earn the 'taxes' for their group. Otherwise, that group may have rp with a tax collector ))
Claim Your Territory
If you and yours like to conduct business in a certain location within The Pearl or The Maze, make it known to your Council Member so that the Crimson Circle is aware.
((** How do people find you ooc in Thal or where your estates is? There is also a** map **of 'The Lane' **))
Our Home
Visitors to The Lane is the lifeblood of our home. It is our way of making profits and opportunities. However, there are times that Outsiders (people not of The Lane or visitors of The Lane) try to claim authority, territory or break The Code. Placing their own rules and judgment on The Lane and those within. They will be dealt with by the Crimson Circle as a whole.
_((Ooc this again is for flavor and for coordination of rp. We as a group do not push our Code or rp on to others. _
Organic rp may happen of course. ))
Know the Code
If you break the code and do not know the code, you will not be considered part of the Crimson Circle.
(If you're going to break The Code, don't get caught)
((ooc the character and the player who is part of the CCC should know the code and the rp guidelines.
We strive to follow these as best as possible))
Members and associates of the Crimson Circle are given the Syndicate branding and that of the Crimson Circle branding for their goods and services. Some members and associates have legitimate trades and businesses that work toward fostering stronger trade routes and profits for themselves and The Syndicate of Ul’dah under Lord Lolorito Nanaartio. These legitimate trades and businesses are also sometimes fronts for underworld commerce.
((The following are carrds associated with trades and businesses within The Syndicate. As such it is perfectly acceptable to know the Legitamant side of these businesses. However please do not metagame knowledge of underworld business. We ask you to figure that out IC for yourself if you can.))
Members and Associates are aware of and follow The Code to the best of their abilities. Some members of the Circle are not part of a certain group or faction but enjoy the protections and profits gained by their affiliation.
_((The following are some of the members and associates of the Crimson Circle._Some of these images have carrds attached. Though you may use these as points of contact for rp, please do not metagame from the information provided. Most people have their own hooks for their characters.If your character or group are looking for hooks to get in, feel free to pst Kathema Duska (aka Lady Dusk), Arismont Monranguin, Azrael Hollowbane(Hollow), Rena Jesal, Aldric Sayrillont, or Koh'to Tsubhwyhra))
Black Markets
Next Market:
August 20 2021 @8pm Est
Central Thanalan Nanawa Mines.( X:21, Y:21)
Rumors have been moving within the shadows of a mysterious black market that has opened itself to those who work out of the spotlight and deal within the dark. A market which never stays in one location yet always keeps its place firmly rooted within myth of its luxury and splendor. Though it is not impossible to find this place of course. For the right price, with the right information or connections, even YOU can find your way to the black market.Cast your lot in for a variety of rare and illegal goods and services whether on sale itself or via request. Want to sell? Speak to a staff member and if you pass the checks, you can have your own goods on display yourself!
((The Black Market events are to promote Rp interactions, free companies and community rp. IC they are sanctioned by The Syndicate of Ul'dah (If law enforcement is looking to do a 'raid' it needs to be planned with the event planner beforehand)- You Must sign up to be a vendor
- All transactions are to be done with IC gil only
(you may of course offer real gil tips if you so desire)
- No prostitution or slaves please. (Fighting rings are another event)
- Custom Items/ merc hiring are available at the request desk.
Items can be picked up at the next market. Hired Merc assistance to be planned between characters.If you are looking to become involved in the Black Market as a vendor please fill out the form!
If you would like to be staff, please follow the IC hooks via Associates))
About| Lore | Rp Guidelines
This community is a group project dedicated to RP in and around those who frequent and or are connected to The Pearl Lane of Ul’dah. This includes the shady criminal people, the grey area people, and of course some law enforcement types.It is our intention to use this carrd to OOC coordinate plot-based, world, and open RP. We wish to build an encouraging positive OOC environment while creating a rich and rewarding IC experience.We help to further one another’s stories and create dynamic plots. A push and pull, give and take writing experience with everyone on the same page to create a whole lot of fun.This is an OOC tool to assist with the IC experience. Alongside that of our discord. If you would like to be invited to this discord please reach out to one of the Crimson Council.Though these plots may include darker themes, criminal activity, intrigue, or conflict, we strive to make sure the writers are enjoying themselves. We all strive to follow the Rp Guidelines to make sure we are all on the same page.We all know meta-gaming happens and sometimes by accident. So if you as the writer wish to keep something purely IC in the game, then do so. As such do not feel pressured to share IC or OOC information on this carrd.Thank you so much for being part of this project and adding your imagination and writing skills to it!
Following rp storylines is great and staying in character is great as well. However, when it comes to criminal/combat and community RP there are some general guidelines on how to approach it. These guidelines are made to ensure that everyone has a fun and enjoyable time OOC while remaining true to their characters IC.
1) OoC Communication!! You should be open to Ooc whispers for clarifications/criticism of the RP so that it is enjoyable for -everyone- involved.
2) OoC Permissions: Keep a list of those involved in the RP so the rest of us know we can coordinate with them for future RP.
OOC Permissions of Engagement: Before engaging in a scene (Especially law enforcement characters) you should whisper those involved in the scene and get permission to include your character. If the answer is NO you must respect that. You have the option of ignoring the RP scene altogether.
__OoC Permissions of Information: __
- For information broking/gathering:
You must have your RP tags on -period-. You do not have to, but it’s considered polite to indicate your presence in an emote (Can be as simple as your character flips the page in their book.) Please screenshot the RP that your character is listening to IC if you are going to use it. This way we can get permission to use what your character is hearing IC. (This not only protects against potential meta, but also that not all people RP in a party for their ‘secret meetings’ and it protects you from being blamed for meta)- Warrants/ bounties:
Characters are to be OOC told to the RPer. They do -not- need to know who is coming for them,you simply need their ooc okay to continue. If they ask to know please reach out to the bounty hunter and see if it is okay to tell the person. Some people get ooc anxiety being IC hunted and would rather work with the hunter’s writer than be ooc surprised with IC. .(edited)
3) OoC/ IC Separation: You -MUST- keep in mind the clear divide between OOC and IC. We are not our characters and vice versa. Nothing done in RP is personal on an OoC level and we expect you to enjoy yourself. If you are not, then please please be vocal so that we can adjust.Any complaints or concerns should be voiced to the player you are RPing with -BEFORE- you whisper one of our officers (even if it is one of our officers). We pride ourselves on being considerate and accepting of all people/ RP, if you do not communicate the issue, we will not reprimand one of our own who was oblivious.
4) Combat: As always get OOC Permission before engaging. Also, OoC communicate what type of combat RP the others involved would like to use.( Freeform, Grindstone Roll rules, etc ) It is generally understood that during combat, all emotes are considered an attempt even if the word ‘attempt’ is not used.(when in doubt try to limit to one attack action post) .
5) Engagement Outcomes: (including Gaol) Defender (Especially against law enforcement) sets the outcome if there is one. Let the other Rper know what you would like to happen and not happen to your character. You -must- respect the wishes of the RPer.Please keep in mind that if your character is a repeat offender at some point they will be caught so- always- escaping is not realistic. Consider other options. Like the Gaol.Characters that are taken to the Gaol ( jail) are in control of what happens there. ( Do they break out? Is there a jailbreak? Do they wish to fight in the arena for their freedom? Can they pay a fine? Do they want a trial? Perhaps a FTB and they rp outside of the city for two rl days? Lots of options to be creative)Also, note that you do -not- need to have your character killed -ever-. There are other routes to go( divine intervention, and suggestions are welcomed.
6) Be prepared to provide a TLDR or ask for one.
7) Lore Plausible/Grey: We generally accept all Rp Characters that fall into the lore plausible/grey area. If you need help with lore grey let us know we love to help find you lore to back up your characters! (We have planewalkers, Fae, demons, ascianish types etc) However, you may be asked to change your RP or be removed from our RP if:
- Your character has direct associations and/or interactions with msq NPCs
- Your character is consistently immune to consequences ( physically, literally, etc)
8) DNE requests: Some people ooc have issues with other RPers and do not want to associate with them. If someone whispers to you that they are uncomfortable with someone, keep it to yourself and simply find a way to remove IC separate the characters. If that person takes an IC exit, let them and do not hold the IC negatively because of it. Likewise, if someone has an issue with you, you are expected to respect their DNE even if another character brings you into that RP.
About | Lore | Rp Guidelines
First and foremost. In Ul’dah, Money talks and Syndicate rules. The more money you have, the more power you have. So much so that people will even assassinate members of the higher echelons to take their place. ( Rumored of course). Thus the Syndicate rules. The only thing that trumps this power is when there is a threat to the nation directly. This is why the Immortal Flames flies under its own flag.The Brass Blades: In the employ of the wealthy Ul'dahns represented by the Syndicate, the Brass Blades are sellswords charged with maintaining peace and order within the sultanate. They are only too aware of who pays their wages. Thus, they are known to act according to the wishes of the rich. As sellswords' loyalty may be bought, cases of bribery have grown so numerous as to earn the scorn of honest citizens.Saultsworn: The Sultansworn personal guard of the sultana. While their fealty currently remains with the sultana, the Monetarists have managed to cut the organization's strength to half of what it was in their glory days. Thus, the Sultansworn must now accept the aid of the Brass Blades even in guarding the Royal Palace, and their morale has suffered much for it.Free Paladins: These free paladins swear oaths onto themselves and serve themselves. They are not affiliated with any city, power, or group. Though may offer their services if they feel the cause worthy.Syndicate Enforcement within Thanalan: Each member of the Syndicate member has it’s own enforcement which protects their interests. Some of these ‘private armies’ may assist the Immortal Flames, Brass Blades and The Alliance should a situation arise.Black Markets: The original black market was operated by a band of beastmen brigands working deep within the city-states, hidden away in dark alleys and obscure corners, away from the bustle of conventional marketplaces and the authorities. They provide adventurers with Grand Companies-related wares from the respective city-state they are located in. ( Shout out to the original Black Market on Balmung, Watcher's Eye )Slave Trade: (in)voluntary indentured servitude is a trade that is most certainly underground. Some leading to gladiator/ fighting rings, servants, dancers etc. The Slave trade stems mostly from Limsa but has also found its way into the underground of Ul’dah. Slavery in Ul’dah is called Indentured Servitude and never slavery. Appearances are everything. Those who become ‘servants’ usually do so to pay off debts.
The Lane ( The city within a city)
The Lane is a city within a city and is more than just one cobblestone street. It is a people who use 'lane speak' to call out different parts of The Steps of Thal. The Lane itself is broken into five parts and only consists of The Steps of Thal. No guilds are included:The Pearl ( Pearl Lane and the various businesses and homes, alley ways and off it. May include player housing in the goblet)The Maze ( All the towering and various alleys and lanes that branch off of this. May include player housing in the goblet)The Court ( The Golden Court. Considered neutral territory between all factions and The Crimson Law, however if you break the law here, The Crimson Law can arrest you)The Ring (The upper balcony by the Chamber of Rule. This is considered the territory of The Crimson Law. )The Gaol (The IC jail. This is the territory of The Crimson Law. Characters that are arrested are ooc brought here. )The Circle ( This is a meeting place between The Maze and The Ring. Conversations that take place here are said to echo all the way down to The Pearl. What is said here is seen by all )